Friday, June 26, 2009

The Best Way to Turn Your Knowledge to Wealth

Ever thought of how you could turn what you know into wealth? Probably, your past experiences or skills that you have learnt and internalized over the years? You could be a trainer, lecturer or probably write a book to share your knowledge. The options are plenty.

However, what is the easiest way to start then?

I always recommend people to start by writing an ebook. Write about things that you know and if possible, a niche in the market.

So where do you start then?

Get a small notebook and carry it with you wherever you go. For those who do not like carrying things around, you do have your mobile phone, right? I am sure it has a notes function or probably you could even SMS yourself.

Start by thinking of the past experiences that has some learning value. Or maybe some niche skills that you have picked up along your life or career and it helped you to developed into a better self or move up career path. From here, choose the one topic that you are most comfortable with and confident in writing. As for the remaining ones, do not throw them away! Keep them safe. You may need them again for your subsequent ebooks.

Start focusing on the topic you have chosen and start writing using a word editor like Microsoft Word. List what you want to include by chapters or steps. This will aid you better in writing the book.

Think wherever and whenever you can. At any point of time, if you thought of something to add into your ebook, jolt them down immediately.

Time yourself and if possible set a deadline on when you want to complete writing your ebook.

Once you are done, convert your document into PDF files. There is plenty of free software around which you could try using

Next, setup a website and start selling your ebook. Advertise with search engines or even on blog sites regularly. Tell your family and friends about it. Get their support.

Lastly be patient, in time to come, you will see some income being generated.

So, don't wait anymore. You are blessed with the vast experiences and skills you have. Start writing now and share with others through your ebook!

For more information, do feel free to visit my website below.

Shaun Wu is a trainer and an online entrepreneur, aiming to help others achieve success in life and career.

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